What to Do If You Are Injured in a Bus Accident

Buses, including mass transit buses, school buses, private charter buses, and city buses cause thousands of injuries and fatalities every year in Massachusetts and across the U.S. These accidents can be very traumatizing, often resulting in serious injuries, exorbitant medical bills, and lost wages. 

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a bus accident, whether you were a passenger on the bus or not, you might be entitled to compensation. Working with an experienced Massachusetts bus accident attorney can help you take on the party at fault and their insurers to recover the maximum compensation available.

Contact us today for a free consultation, where you can ask questions, discuss your circumstances, and learn more about how you can pursue justice. Our office does not get compensated unless we successfully resolve your case, so there is no risk.

What To Do If You’ve Been Injured In a Bus Accident

The steps you take after a bus accident can make a difference in your ability to recover compensation for your injuries. To give yourself the best chance for a favorable outcome, follow the steps outlined below:

Call 911: This will send the police to the scene of the accident, where they will speak to all the parties involved and create an accident report. It will also ensure you’re attended to by medical personnel.

Document the scene: Take as many photos and videos of the scene of the accident as possible. Capture the damage to the vehicles involved, any skid marks on the road, road conditions, and the injuries sustained.

Speak with witnesses: Getting the contact information of the witnesses at the scene of the accident will give your legal team access to the information they need when handling your case. This can help establish who’s to blame for the accident.

Get medical attention: If you have been in a serious accident, see a doctor. They will not only assess you for internal injuries that might not be immediately visible but also create a medical record of your injuries, which is key when claiming compensation. 

Contact a lawyer: Get in touch with a lawyer as soon as you can and let them handle any communication on your behalf. A lawyer will also be able to assist in securing evidence you haven't thought of.  The personal injury lawyers at Faneuf Law Group represent victims and their families involved in different types of bus accidents.

Contact a Trusted Bus Accident Lawyer in Massachusetts

At Faneuf Law Group, we have the experience to handle your case, no matter your circumstances. Keep in mind that choosing the right legal team following a bus accident will make a huge difference to the outcome of your claim. You want a lawyer who is not afraid to stand up against the big insurance companies and can fight aggressively and respectfully to protect your rights and get you the maximum compensation.

Call us today at 617-939-9894 or submit a contact sheet through our website to learn more about how we can help you get justice and receive your compensation in full.