Car Accident

The Truth Behind Airbag Chemical Burns

The Truth Behind Airbag Chemical Burns

Airbags are primarily designed to reduce the risk of fatalities in the event of a motor vehicle accident. This is normally achieved by cushioning the driver or passenger from impact from the steering wheel or dashboard during a frontal collision. Unfortunately, a number of injuries, such as airbag burns, can be sustained during a crash as a result of airbag deployment.

Most people know about the common injuries sustained when you come into contact with airbags as they deploy. But, airbag injuries can also be accompanied by high-temperature chemical burns. The chemicals in airbags, including sodium hydroxide, are responsible for such injuries.

How Long After An Accident Should I File An Injury Claim In MA

How Long After An Accident Should I File An Injury Claim In MA

If you've been injured or lost a loved one in a Massachusetts car accident, we encourage you to reach out to our Woburn car accident lawyers. For many years, our lawyers have successfully represented people who have been injured in all kinds of accidents. You’re going to learn more about us and how we can help below.